Expand Your Practice

Meditation Teacher Training

50 hour Taining

35 contact hours | 15 independent hours | practicum

Fall 2024

This 50 hour program will consist of a weekend intensive and can be applied towards a 500 hour certification for 200 hour or more YTT graduates.

In this comprehensive meditation teacher training program led by Linda Orsini, you'll embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and inner growth. Delve deep into the realms of meditation, mindfulness, mantra, mudra, and self-compassion, uncovering profound insights and practical techniques to enrich your spiritual practice and enhance your well-being.

Throughout the course, you'll explore various facets of inner transformation, guided by Linda's expertise and compassionate teaching approach. You'll learn how to seamlessly integrate the teachings and practices into your daily life, cultivating a harmonious balance between inner stillness and outer action.

At the culmination of your training, whether you aspire to share the gift of meditation with others or deepen your own practice, you will walk away with a newfound sense of clarity, purpose, and fulfillment.

Embrace the opportunity to share the beautiful practice of meditation with others, nurturing their inner growth and self-discovery alongside your own. Dive into a rich toolbox of teaching methods, communication tips, and creative class structures, allowing you to craft meditation sessions that resonate deeply with your students' hearts and minds.

Cultivate a warm and inviting teaching presence, fostering a safe space where students feel supported, inspired, and empowered to explore the transformative potential of meditation in their lives. With this newfound wisdom and insight, you'll embark on your continued journey of spiritual growth and self-discovery with confidence, grace, and profound inner alignment.

What alumni are saying…

“In my forty three years as a yoga practitioner with twenty years of teaching experience, I have not met many instructors who embody the absolute essence of a full yoga practice; bringing body, mind and spirit into harmony.  Linda is knowledgeable, she teaches from the heart and uses techniques and language that leave me with a feeling of joy and empowerment, Linda’s use of her singing bowls always a highlight. Linda’s slow flow classes, as well as her mediation with breath work and restorative classes are often waitlisted, a testament to Linda’s generosity of spirit, kindness, and expertise. Skills learned during these classes are not left at the door but become a part of a healthy, well rounded everyday life.”

Hilary Currer

Program Outline

Foundations of Meditation

  • Delve into the heart of meditation, discovering its power to bring tranquillity and heightened awareness into your daily life.

  • Explore an array of meditation techniques, each offering a unique path to uncovering deeper layers of consciousness.

  • Build a solid foundation in meditation, empowering you to embrace inner peace and presence as guiding companions on your journey of self-discovery.

Ancient Wisdom & Modern Insights

  • Immerse yourself in the timeless wisdom of ancient texts like the Bhagavad Gita, unravelling its profound teachings that resonate across generations and cultures.

  • Engage with the transformative insights of contemporary meditation luminaries such as Pema Chodron, Eckhart Tolle, Thich Nhat Hanh, and Deepak Chopra, drawing inspiration from their practical wisdom and modern perspectives.

  • Merge ancient philosophies with cutting-edge scientific research, exploring the intersection of spirituality and neuroscience to deepen your understanding of meditation's profound effects on the brain, body, and overall well-being.

Presence Moment Awareness Through Mindfulness

  • Journey into the heart of mindfulness, where each breath becomes an opportunity to anchor yourself in the present moment and cultivate a deeper sense of peace and clarity.

  • Explore practical techniques and simple exercises designed to integrate mindfulness into your daily life, allowing you to navigate challenges with grace and cultivate a greater sense of inner resilience.

  • Learn about mindful self-compassion as a transformative practice, nurturing kindness and understanding towards yourself amidst life's ups and downs, fostering a deep sense of acceptance and well-being unity.

The Power of The Breath

  • Discover the profound impact of breathwork on your meditation journey, unlocking its transformative potential to bring about inner peace and clarity.

  • Explore a variety of pranayama techniques designed to harmonize breath with awareness, fostering relaxation, mental clarity, and a deeper sense of inner harmony.

  • Cultivate a powerful connection between breath and consciousness, allowing you to harness the inherent wisdom of your breath to enhance your meditation practice and enrich your overall well-being.

Mantras in Meditation

  • Discover the ancient art of mantra meditation, where sacred sounds become the threads that weave together the fabric of your inner world, leading you to profound states of tranquility and self-realization.

  • Explore the diverse landscape of mantras, from traditional Sanskrit chants to contemporary affirmations, unlocking their transformative potential to quiet the mind, awaken the spirit, and deepen your connection to the divine.

  • Learn practical techniques for incorporating mantras into your meditation practice, allowing these sacred vibrations to resonate within your being, harmonizing your energy and guiding you towards a state of inner peace and profound spiritual awakening.

Mudra Mastery: Sacred Hand Gestures

  • Embark on a journey into the ancient art of mudras, where the subtle language of the hands becomes a gateway to unlocking inner wisdom, balance, and spiritual alignment.

  • Explore a diverse repertoire of mudras, each holding its own symbolic meaning and energetic resonance, as you learn to harness their transformative power to deepen your meditation practice and cultivate a profound sense of connection to the divine.

  • Immerse yourself in practical techniques and experiential exercises designed to integrate mudras seamlessly into your meditation journey, allowing these sacred gestures to amplify the flow of prana (life force energy), dissolve energetic blockages, and awaken dormant aspects of your being, leading you to greater levels of self-awareness, inner peace, and spiritual fulfillment.

Teaching Meditation

  • Embrace the opportunity to share the beautiful practice of meditation with others, nurturing their inner growth and self-discovery alongside your own.

  • Dive into a rich toolbox of teaching methods, communication tips, and creative class structures, allowing you to craft meditation sessions that resonate deeply with your students' hearts and minds.

  • Cultivate a warm and inviting teaching presence, fostering a safe space where students feel supported, inspired, and empowered to explore the transformative potential of meditation in their lives.


    Save $100 if you purchase before August 26th Space is limited!

    Regular Price 1$099 Buy Now Only $999

Yoga Alliance

Be Yoga & Wellness is a Registered Yoga School (RYS®) with Yoga Alliance and continuing education YACEP provider. Students who complete our 80 HR Yin Yoga Teacher Training Online will be able to use this certification as a continuing education CEU course.

54contact hours | 12 independent hours | practicum

50 hour Taining

35 contact hours | 15 independent hours | practicum

Fall 2024


Save $100 if you purchase

Fall 2024

Regular Price $1099

Buy Now Only $999

Meditation isn’t about trying to throw ourselves away and become something better; it’s about befriending who we are.
— Pema Chodron

Linda Orsini

For over a decade, I've immersed myself in the study and practice of meditation and holistic wellness, accumulating over 1000 hours of training. As the founder of Global Wellness Education and the host of the "A Call for Love" podcast, I've dedicated myself to guiding individuals toward AWAKEN their HIGHEST SELF, enabling them to discover their personal power, purpose and passion and be the change they wish to see in the world.

With over 30 years of experience as a school teacher, I bring a wealth of knowledge and compassion to my teaching practice. Through my work, I empower others to shed self-limiting beliefs and heal inner wounds, facilitating emotional breakthroughs and personal growth.

My heart-centred approach to meditation instruction cultivates emotional clarity and fosters an awareness of our interconnectedness in the tapestry of collective consciousness. I firmly believe that by cultivating compassion for ourselves and others, we can create a ripple effect of healing and wholeness in the world.

Amidst a world of stress and uncertainty, I am dedicated to helping others find inner peace and resilience through the practice of meditation. I look forward to sharing my knowledge and experience with you on this transformative journey of meditation teacher training. 

Together, let's explore the depths of inner peace and compassion, creating positive change in ourselves and the world around us.

Here are some highlights of my training and certifications:

  • davidji 285 hr Masters of Wisdom & Meditation Training (2023)

  • Hypnotherapist Certificate Training with The Krasner Institute (2023)

  • Foundational Shamanic Training with Munay-Ki Rites (2022)

  • smartEDUCATION Mindfulness & Resiliency Training (2019)

  • Source Resonance Sound Healing Training (2019)

  • Yin Yoga Teacher Training (2018)

  • Usui Reiki Master Practitioner (2017)

  • Crystal Reiki Master Teacher (2017)

  • Fly & Release Aerial Yoga Teacher Training (2017)

  • Restorative Yoga Teacher Training (2015)

  • 250 hr Yoga Teacher Training (2014)

  • Mindfulness Cognitive Behavior Therapy Training (2012)

I look forward to sharing my knowledge and experience with you on this transformative journey of meditation teacher training. Together, let's explore the depths of inner peace and compassion, creating positive change in ourselves and the world around us.