Akashic Records Reading

A Gateway to Divine Wisdom & Infinite Possibilities

The Akashic Records, also known as the Book of Life or the Book of Remembrance, are a living library that holds the story of every soul since the beginning of creation.

This vast, ever-present archive contains everything that has ever happened, is happening now, and the potential futures that could unfold based on our energy and choices. The beauty of it all is that we have free will—we are always co-creating. At any moment, we can shift timelines and step into new possibilities.

Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning "ether" or "primordial substance"—the formless essence from which all things arise. It surrounds us completely, acting as a luminous body of information. The wisdom of the Akashic Records is sacred, and when they are opened, they align us with the vast intelligence of creation.

I personally experience the Records as a deep, infinite space filled with living light codes, where our masters, guides, and angels reside. The more open we are, the more our Records reveal—because this is a relational field. Our guides respond to our energy, emotions, and engagement. They want to know how we feel, what something means to us, so they can offer wisdom from a higher perspective.

What I love most about the Akashic Records is how tangible they are. The moment you step into that space, you feel the shift—the tingling, the expansion, the energy of divine intelligence moving through you. The insights that emerge go beyond what the logical mind could ever construct. It’s a direct connection to a greater truth—one that is always available to us.

I feel honored to open your Records and hold space for the wisdom, healing, and guidance that is meant for you in this moment.

Akashic Records Reading

Reading | 60 Min · $150

Meet Maha Atman,

Maha Atman is a Love Coach, Healer, and Channeler dedicated to guiding you on the path of remembering who you truly are. She holds space for your greatest expansion, seeing the highest version of you and the most exalted timeline available to you.

Through this work, you may recognize emotional blocks or energetic patterns that need attention and release. In the space of Maha Atman’s compassionate heart, she creates a safe and sacred container for you. While opening your Akashic Records, she helps you access deep wisdom, clarity, and guidance to align with your soul’s highest timeline.